Sunday, March 1, 2009


This is Bella. What a lazy-bones!!

Our pets

Every night we walk our two dogs Bella and Bree around the lakes. Bree is still a puppy and loves to chase the ducks; Bella is 10 years old and too fat and lazy! This is Bree. She's cute, isn't she?

Duck haven

I live in a house next to a park with four man-made lakes. Every morning our yard is full of ducks, waiting to be fed. We spend a fortune on pellets!! Here are some of our furry friends.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Former workmates at USP, Vanuatu

And here are my former workmates from the University of the South Pacific Library in Port Vila. Sylvie, George, Margaret, me and Linda.

Exploring Flickr

Today I'm learning about Flickr and experimenting with downloading some photos from the time I spent in Vanuatu. I really miss my lovely friends there. This is my friend Dalsie with Bruce the dog.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Here I am

This is a caricature of me that my workmates gave me for my 50th birthday. The artist is one of our talented staff members, Oliver Koehn, who is making a name for himself with his great paintings of trees. We share the same birthday, but unfortunately I don't have his artistic talent! Find out more about Oliver's work at

Where to begin??

It's Monday morning and I'm at work making a start on the "Learning 2.0 Program", which will hopefully teach me all I need to know about Web 2.0 tools and how I can apply them in my work.

My first task is to create a blog, so here I am. But where to start ...

Perhaps I should start by introducing myself.

I'm Di Thompson ... law librarian by trade ... daydreamer by nature ... always dreaming up new schemes and projects, most of which don't become reality. I'm not much of a talker, rather a thinker and doer. I've been in my job at the Legal Services Commission of South Australia for 20 years now and, unlike the "olden days" when length of service equated to loyalty and was seen as a good thing, I'm now finding it is going against me when I apply for other jobs. Obviously there is something wrong with me, otherwise I would have moved on long ago!!!

But in all honesty working for a legal aid organisation is great. The lawyers I work for are really nice and always appreciate any assistance I can give them. That is a rare thing. It also feels good to be part of an agency that helps people who can't afford to go to a private lawyer.

I've also spent some time working in the Pacific ... in 2007/08 I worked at the University of the South Pacific in Vanuatu. And I so miss it ..... Ah Vanuatu .....